
             The Moroccan Foundation for the Promotion of Preschool Education - the FMPS is a non-profit association, recognized with its public utility since December 2009, with a General Assembly and led by a Board of Directors.

  The members of the FMPS Board of Directors are:

  • Prof. Taib CHKILI  : FMPS President, Member of the Hassan II Academy of Science and Technology, Ex-Minister of National Education, Former President of Mohammed V University in Rabat.
  • Mr. Youssef EL BAKKALI : President of the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Promotion of Social Works of Education-Training.
  • Mr. Mohammed  Saad HASSAR : Ex-Secretary state for the Interior
  •  Mr. Mohammed DERDOURI : Wali, INDH National Coordinator.
  • Mrs. Latifa EL ABIDA : Ex-Secretary of State for School Education.
  • Mr. Khalid EL ANDALOUSSI : Professor Researcher, President of the ATFALE  Association.
  • Mr. Noureddine BENSOUDA : Treasurer General of the Kingdom.
  • Mr. Khalid SAFIR : Wali, Director General of Territorial Communities.
  • Mr. Ahmed Reda CHAMI : President of the Economic, Social and Environment Council.
  • Mr. Ahmed AKHCHICHEN : President of the Marrakech Safi Regional Council, Ex- Minister of National Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research.
  • Mr. Brahim HAFIDI  : President of the Regional Council Sous Massa.
  • Mr. Abdesslam EL OUAZZANI : Professor Researcher, Former Dean Faculty of Educational Sciences, Mohammed V University, Rabat.
  • Mr. Azzedine EL MIDAOUI : President of the Conference of University Presidents, President of Ibnou Tofail University , Kenitra.
  • Mrs. Yasmine BENAMMOR  :  CEO LCI Education AFRICA networks and the HEM Group.
  • Mr. Jaouad CHEIKH LAHLOU : CEO of Cooper Pharma, CGEM Member.
  • Mr. Mostafa MELLOUK : Administrator and Chairman of the Communications Commission at the CGEM.
  • Mrs Laila MAMOU : President and General Director of INJAZ AL-Maghrib.
  • Mr. Mohammed ADERDOUR : Director of the Regional Academy of Education Training Region of Rabat Salé Kenitra.
  • Mr. Mohammed DIB : Director of the Regional Academy of Education Training Eastern Region.
  • Mr. Aziz KAICHOUH : General Director of the FMPS.
  • Mr. Said RACHEK: Treasurer General of the FMPS.