Our values

Putting the child at the heart of our concerns that drive us to bring  better conditions for the development of the  children preschooled

within our network.


 To establish a relationship of long-term confidence with the children, the  families, the public powers and with our partners, we adopt these values to guide our actions and reports.

      Commitment :

Listening, meeting commitments and the permanent  exchange with our partners are the pledges of success and continuity for our actions. We put all our energy, our means and our unconditional dedication to the

service for the Development of Moroccan early childhood. 

      Quality : 

We integrate and  share the commitment for quality in all of our day-to-day practices and we do not hesitate to question ourselves to be on the lookout for best practices to ensure the relevance of our actions.


Respect for objectives is a shared commitment of all collaborators. The ongoing evolution of  the performance of our actions  is our main focus


      Sustainability of action:

we are committed to bringing people together all the conditions for success continuity for our projects.


Commitment society has always been part of our values. we act respecting it.