Biography of Mr. Noureddine Boutayeb
President of the FMPS
- On November 16, 2021, The Board of Directors of the Moroccan
Foundation for the Promotion of Preschool Education at its meeting
proceeded to the nomination of Mr. Noureddine BOUTAYEB as the
new president.
Mr. Boutayeb is the former Minister Delegate to the Minister of the
Interior from 2017 to 2021
Mr. Boutayeb is an engineer graduated from the Ecole Centrale Paris
in 1979 and holder of a Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA) in soil
mechanics in 1981 and the engineering degree from the Ecole
nationale des ponts et chausses (ENPC) in 2001
In 1982, he began his professional career as Deputy Director General
of the "Ingema" Group, before His Majesty King Mohammed VI
appointed him Director of Rural Affairs at the Ministry of the Interior
in 2003
In March 2006, the Sovereign appointed Mr. Boutayeb to the post of
Wali, Director General of Local Authorities at the Ministry of the
Interior, and in March 2010, to the post of Wali, Secretary General of
the same ministry, and in 2017 to the post of Minister Delegate to
the Minister of Interior