FMPS TASSYIR is a management unit that is committed to managing schools administratively and financially and at the pedagogical level too.
Taking into account the diversity of the preschool projects of the Foundation, FMPS TASSYIR adapts its tracking depending on these latters.
The preschool projects of the network differ according to several criteria. We distinguish four types of projects :
FMPS TASSYIR adopt two management methods :
FMPS schools, units and classrooms are managed directly by the Foundation, through the implementation of a range of powerful tools that enable the administrative staff of the headquarters and field staff to ensure a follow-up and establish regular reporting of activities of each unit in order to provide the better quality of service at the level of the whole network.
In addition to the network directly managed by the Foundation, the FMPS also provides control , training, and the supervision of other reception places for its partners. To do this, a quality label is implemented via a strict specifications aiming to achieve the standards of excellence in terms of teaching, proximity supervision and management of the service offer.
FMPS TASSYIR was created to ensure a good management of the FMPS network and ensure the conformity of services in the different preschool projects of the network to the quality criteria required by the Foundation.
The objectives of this management cell are :
The Charter :
Management Charter for a clear sharing of responsibilities and commitments.
This charter is used to formalize and clarify the main practices that ensure the proper management of a preschool or preschool unit. It allows to delimit different stakeholders' responsibilities and commitments.
The FMPS network management charter is based on the following :
Mentoring System:
In order to meet the Foundation's objectives, the FMPS TASSYIR has set up a mentoring system that relies mainly on actions of support and pedagogical guidance for the benefit of newly recruited educators, in order to facilitate their professional integration and promote the development of their skills. As well as former educators to improve their pedagogical practices and increase their skills and thus participate in their professional development.
The Mentoring system is based on a philosophy of sharing expertise and knowledge of an experienced educator, with significant preschool experience assigned to a preschool class to provide personalized support/coaching for the educator in charge of the class. And this through different types of accompanying action and coaching :
Information system :
Computerization of the whole procedures of work to ensure the regular reporting of the day-to-day activities of each school and each unit through the establishment of a system that meets the requirements and constraints of the profession processes of the preschool field.
Network meeting :
Annual and monthly meetings individually or collectively are organized in order to ensure the mentoring of all the aforementioned aspects in the management charter and to verify the authenticity of the input of data on the computer system according to current memos.